Hojjatoleslam Hasan Yousefi Eshkevari

Case History

Hojjatoleslam Hasan Yousefi Eshkevari is a researcher, journalist, cleric, director of the Ali Shariati Research Center, and contributing editor of the now-banned newspaper Iran-e Farda (The Iran of Tomorrow ). Eshkevari trained as a clergyman in the religious and cultural center of Qom and has devoted much of his life to study and writing. He has published extensively in scientific, religious and intellectual journals, and has been an acclaimed contributor to the Great Encyclopedia of Islam and editor of the Encyclopedia of Shi-a . He has translated several books, and his own publications include A Hundred Years of Iranian History 1879-1979 (Qom 1974), Justice in the Monotheistic Worldview (Qom 1975), Broken Idols: An Analysis of the Foundations of Twentieth Century Civilization (Qom 1977), A Review of the Study of Creation: Issues in Islamic Anthropology (Tehran 1997), Religious Revivalism: Analysis and Criticism of the Contemporary Islamic Movement: Interviews with Ten Political-Cultural Figures (Tehran, first edition 1998, second edition 1999), Wisdom in the Feast of Religion (Tehran 2000), and In Memory of the Days: Political Approaches of the Reformist Movement in Iran (Tehran 2000).