Multiple Journalists

Yousif Mohammed Ali, Matheos Habteab, Dawit Habtemichael, Medhanie Haile, Temesegen Ghebereyesus, Amanuel Asrat, Sahle Tseazagab (Wedi-Itay), Dawit Isaak, Fesshaye “Joshua” Yohannes , & Said Abdelkadir

All of these journalists are members of the independent press in Eritrea. Yousif Mohammed Ali was editor-in-chief of the weekly Tsigenay. He was previously detained for several weeks in October 2000. Editor-in-chief Matheos Habteab and journalist Dawit Habtemichael both work for the weekly Meqaleh. There are reports that Habteab was arrested several times during the first months of 2002. Medhanie Haile is editor-in-chief of the weekly Keste Debena, where Temesgen Ghebreyesus is a columnist and member of the board of directors. Emanuel Asrat is editor and Wedi Ade an assistant editor of the weekly Zemen. Journalist Dawit Isaak is with Setit, as was Fesshaye Yohannes, who was publisher and editor-in-chief of the weekly. Said Abdulkader is editor-in-chief of the weekly Admas.

Current Status

According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, Fesshaye (Joshua) Yohannes died on January 11, 2007, from severe ill treatment and the denial of medical treatment while in prison. PEN America has been unable to independently confirm his death. There have also been credible but unconfirmed reports that four more of the detainees—Dawit Habtemichael, Matheos Habteab, Said Abdelkadir, and Medhanie Haile—have also died in custody since 2006.

Amanuel Asrat was awarded with the PEN International Writer of Courage prize in October 2020. However, his whereabouts are still unknown and he is believed to still be detained in a maximum security prison.

Case History

On September 18, 2001, Eritrean authorities abruptly banned all non-state print media outlets. According to sources in the capital, security forces then sealed off the newsrooms of Tsigenay, Meqaleh, Keste Debena, Zemen, Setit, and Admas after removing computers, phones, fax machines, and other equipment. A few days later, police began rounding up independent news professionals. By September 25, 2001, officers had arrested at least 11 reporters and held them incommunicado.