beautiful like: latent snap decayward —
because abstract. horrible like the death
screams of hedgehogs as they fade into
the night. that’s what the new poetry
is like. there was a time when man
rather at one with fear grew pale in
all the colors of the garden. and birds
with grief dropped from the trees.
dreadful like: headlong into cod —
because concrete. (“do you consider
my methods morbid?” “sir, i can’t discern
no method anywhere!”) refrain:
beautiful’s not the beautiful phrase.
beautiful’s not the beauti . . . ad libitum.
beautiful is the chopping of chickens.
but not religion for all that. whereas:
“made to beat like a fake heart in a real
animal’s real body” — because this
sounds german. the cleaning of fish. the
reaping of robins. the sagging of hose
(says r.) — concrete it’s not but possible
if only because the song moves us
to tears? beautiful is only the abstract.
because construct. now all together:
fraught with naught
the unbridled increase of tongues the
constant rattling of words in the morning
the evening the unceasing pulse of things
to think of even in sleep the eternal ham –
mering of phrases like “in sight of night”
by and by begin to fill mouth after mouth.
the swarming-around-me of birds. in
order to make (to name) your escape you
undertake the reconstruction of lungs to
bellows/ deconstruction of feather to quill
(must be a flight log) and tiniest fictions
germinate inward. featherbed fictions.
like ideas functions of THE I: that i were
words. and words therefore were me. THE
I can’t grasp it. it as it were grasps me.
thus we seem to form a team: THE I hates
birds. birds are like me: feathered but
untarred. like flews entirely unlicked.
by feathers bird tongues voices. they:
understand a good day’s work as the
destruction of what came before. i: con –
sider there might be facts outside the
poem. they: “a handsome hulk.” i: a
brutish wimp. amid. but actually replaced.
opens brightly: sentences exist. closes claims:
they’re filled with words. and that is all there’s
to it. in overtones a merely as what’s surely
common: goodly perception of fruit — may well
stand in for other things. complete perception
of goodly fruit — here’s how it functions:
like apples eyes and. not to mention pears. presumes
pending corroboration: the apple, does not see itself.
in this it’s like the eye. you can’t tell from the looks
of one (please look on this as a sentence) that it is
looked at by another. “please look on this as a
sentence” likewise to be looked on as a sentence etc.
“is to say” takes place. aspects apace. one owes/
thanks/ is obliged. “is to mean” obstructs. “more
later” belongs here. strong feeling of happiness
through fruit. a newer. a better. a dapper perhaps.
perhaps mere structures but at least crude and
pure. leads from needy to approximate. the word
of fruit in the beholder’s eye. the post as beam
or mote. the sentence of the hereditary branch.
the word trunk ambiguous. now: wrong
fruit in the right place. then: the tree as word —
a goodly sentence. then if i’m not mistaken
the whole tree on the left as strongest branch.
DIN 2330: concepts and terminology.
general principles.
berlin: bastion of the best. healthy-word –
begins-at-the-root-fans, strip it right down
to the morph. good. friday: work on vocab –
ulary. enter the body of language with love.
saturday: prepare stock of signs. inventory of
concepts. sunday: technical lexicon. borderline
terms. pseudo-nouns. evenings: exercises in con –
text-free association. explain “scarecrow”. then
said goodbye. / / vienna. b&b “the elect”. here
I’m strictly by myself. problem of eyed/*i.
norms regarding low! no / free of iron verbal
fireworks. the style is up to snuff but still a
long way from the glossary to be compiled. half –
heartedly agree: “whatever’s the most aid to
memory.” / / düsseldorf in autumn, the coolest
heads in language plight — puns will pep them up.
defence of listen-in-attack: voice prints. a first in
history. the rules seem watertight. but the word
works in lofty braille: the norm setters shall not
in vain have later “””perished simply by the trail.”””