Those seeking immediate, non-financial emergency aid may find the following web sites helpful. They have resources for those who are uninsured, need housing assistance, or without sufficient financial means. Legal, medical, housing, and general living services are all available, in most cases, for free. All organizations should be contacted directly as they are not affiliated with PEN.
Advantages of Claiming Bankruptcy
Provides information and advice about the advantages of claiming bankruptcy, when no other options exist that are better then bankruptcy filing. See web site for details:
American Red Cross
(800) 733-2767
Contact local branch to find out the availability of health/medical, youth, and food pantry and hot lunch programs, senior services, Lifeline emergency response services, transportation to hospitals, school clubs and community learning programs, as well as homeless shelters and transitional housing services. Different branches have different programs and services available depending on community needs. See web site for details and contact information:
Bureau of Primary Health Care
(202) 619-0257
Information about health centers around the country that offer care regardless of ability to pay or lack of insurance. They provide primary care including, but not limited to, laboratory tests, X-rays, immunizations, treatment by obstetricians or gynecologists, and emergency and after-hours care. In some cases centers provide dental, mental health, and substance abuse care. Contacts and addresses for centers and other details are all available through web site:
Debt Relief Attorneys for the United States
Site contains a compiled list of contact information for attorneys specializing in debt relief in the United States. List provided on web site:
Doris Tate Crime Victims Bureau
(916) 273-3603
California-based organization provides a number of non-financial services aimed at supporting victims of violent crimes including referrals to assistance programs, referrals to support groups, assistance with compiling impact statements for parole or sentencing hearings, victim/survivor preparation for speaking at parole hearings, accompaniment to court proceedings and parole hearings, and general advocacy and information assistance. See web site for more details:
Legal Aid Society of New York
(212) 577-3346
Organization providing legal aid to the underprivileged in New York City. Civil, criminal, and juvenile interests represented. Several offices located throughout the city. See web site for details:
Legal Services Corporation
(202) 295-1500
Organization pledges high quality civil legal assistance to low-income persons. Access to a wide range of free legal advice in all 50 states. Web site contains contact information and details:
Safe Horizon
(800) 621-4673
Offers assistance to victims of violence living in the New York City area. With six centers around the five boroughs and a 24-hour hotline, victims may receive counseling and guidance at all times of the day. See web site for more details:
Salvation Army
(703) 684-5500
Branches across the country and world provide family and youth counseling, daycare, senior-citizen centers, Brown Bag Programs, adult rehabilitation programs, youth community and learning programs, resources for families affected by HIV/AIDS, access to low-income housing and emergency financial assistance, among other things. Contact information and other details are available through the website:
Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
(212) 319-2787
Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts is the leading provider of pro bono legal services, mediation services, educational programs and publications, and advocacy to the arts community in the New York area. See website for complete details:
A national directory of volunteer lawyers for the arts is available on their website: