Myka Greene

Coordinator, Development

Myka Greene is the Development Coordinator at PEN America. She is a writer, art researcher, and editor whose work has been published in Paper Magazine, Art Papers, and Brooklyn Rail. As an assistant at the Brooklyn Rail she heralded the biweekly virtual program, “Publishing in Transit” where she and poet Cole Swensen hosted literary organizations that centered marginalized writers and highlighted underrepresented voices such as Cave Canem, Belladonna, and Ugly Duckling Presse. When not reading or writing, she pursues opportunities that allow her to work as an art archivist and mediator between artists and the public sphere. She has worked at the Printed Matter Art Book Fair and Creative Time, both experiences which have allowed her to fuse interests in art, accessibility, and literature. While at Creative Time, she provided research for Guadalupe Maravilla, Rashid Johnson, Jill Magid, and Allison Janae Hamilton and created educational dossiers on topics of creative rebellion, repatriation, and decolonizing art spaces. Reflective of her interests in social justice and writing, she studied African American Studies and Creative Writing at the University of Virginia.