Can you conscientiously object to high-kicking? Rockettes in dispute over reportedly being forced to perform at Trump inauguration. Senate looks to expand protections for federal whistleblowers. -Suzanne Nossel, Executive Director


DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

PEN America’s take on today’s most pressing threats to free expression


Wisconsin Republicans Want UW Madison Class Cancelled, Professor Fired
Republican legislators in Wisconsin are threatening to reject the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s requests for additional state funding unless an elective course they find offensive is cancelled and its professor is fired.

Climate Scientist’s Lawsuit Against Critics Can Proceed, Rules Court
Case Western Reserve University law professor Jonathan Adler warns that the court’s decision “is tremendously unfortunate, as it threatens to make it too easy for public figures to file lawsuits against their critics and, as a consequence, threatens to chill robust political debate.”

Conway: Trump White House will engage with press on ‘daily basis’
Newly appointed counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway said Thursday morning that the incoming White House will have a more or less traditional relationship with the media.

Rockettes dancer slams ‘obligation’ to perform at Trump’s inauguration
The saga of finding performers for Donald Trump’s inauguration continues to field scandal, with members of the dancing troupe the Radio City Rockettes posting on social media that they have been forced by their bosses to perform.

Trump’s White House press shop intends to change status quo
The communications team announced by President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday shows that the status quo is shifting in the White House press shop as well as in other corners of the incoming administration.


Singapore police investigate event Hong Kong activist addressed
In Hong Kong, Wong told Reuters that the Singapore police action constituted “political censorship” and he speculated that it was a result of Chinese pressure.

Authorities promise to investigate killing of Myanmar journalist
Ko Soe Moe Tun, a reporter for Eleven Media Group, was found dead by the side of the road in Monywa on December 13. Police believe he had been beaten to death with a blunt instrument.

Reporter’s arrest in Belgium shows extent of Turkey’s press crackdown
The arrest last week of a French-Turkish journalist of Kurdish origins in Belgium has sparked condemnation from his colleagues, press freedom groups and has highlighted Turkey’s attempts to muzzle journalists in the EU.

Algeria ‘asphyxiating’ journalists
Algeria has experienced a “progressive asphyxiation” of its media since the re-election of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika in 2014, according to a new report released by Reporters Without Borders.

DARE is a project of PEN America’s #LouderTogether campaign, bringing you a daily curated round-up of the most important free expression-related news from the U.S. and abroad. Send your feedback and story suggestions to [email protected]