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The Work Before the Work: A Special Program for High School Students

April 28, 2010 | Instituto Cervantes | New York City

With Annecy Báez, Rawi Hage, Saïd Sayrafiezadeh, and special guests; moderated by David Dante Troutt


Co-sponsored by Instituto Cervantes

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CLIPS: Annecy Báez | Rawi Hage | Saïd Sayrafiezadeh | David Dante Troutt

Many successful writers divide their time and focus between daily occupations and creative writing. How do they find the energy, enthusiasm, and balance necessary to succeed at jobs while also developing their craft? Do these two sides of the writer’s life support or hinder one another? A panel of acclaimed authors considers how a writing life can be influenced—sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse—by a career outside of the literary arena.


Lyn Miller-Lachmann: Except for a few bestselling authors, most writers have a hard time making a living at what they love. There are the unpublished, still waiting. [more]