In a previous Poetry Roundup, I mentioned that Brooklyn-based Ugly Duckling Presse had begun to upload its out-of-print chapbooks onto its site, allowing people to read them for free. Now, there are even more chapbooks available for your reading pleasure, all 100% free. I recommend Ben Fama’s Aquarius Rising; Night Palace edited by Micah Ballard and Julien Poirier; and Calendar by Genya Turovskaya.

One of my favorite small press publications, Lumberyard Magazine, is open for submissions. In my opinion, Lumberyard is one of the best designed small magazines in America. I’m probably going to send them poems when I’m done writing this post.

In other small press news, Octopus Books just launched a new site. I recommend you take a look at their catalog of books, purchase a 2 year subscription, consider sending them your poetry manuscript for their April open reading period, and then rest assured that you have helped support an amazing small poetry press.

The good folks at Indigest Magazine may have reached their Kickstarter Goal of $2,000, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t throw a couple bucks their way. is having a new poet post on their Tumblr everyday for the month of April. There have already been amazing posts by Heather Christle, Emily Pettit Christian Bök.

Also, in related news, congratulations to Matthew Rasmussen for winning the 2012 Walt Whitman Award! Matt’s “book-length collection of poems Black Aperture, which will be published in the spring of 2013 by Louisiana State University Press.

Lastly, if you are a resident of the greater New York Area, Jason Morris and Sunnylyn Thibodeaux, two wonderful Bay Area poets, are reading this Friday at the Poetry Project.