Valentine Sargent

Coordinator, Literary Awards

Valentine Sargent is the Literary Awards Coordinator at PEN America. She resided in Phoenix, Arizona with a background in editing, publishing, and journalism with international companies. Her fiction has been published in various literary magazines. 

Sargent holds an MFA from Chatham University where she studied creative writing and was awarded The Fourth River Editorial Fellowship.

Articles by Valentine Sargent

Writing as Craft
Monday November 18

Inês Viegas Oliveira and Rosa Churcher Clarke | The PEN Ten Interview

It’s about a person who, like all of us, gets angry but is also capable of forgiveness and love. A character who doesn’t shoot, who doesn’t fulfill the duel’s expected outcome.

Writing as Craft
Thursday September 26

Saad Mohseni | The PEN Ten Interview

I have come to understand that, in some ways, everything passes, and the crisis facing Afghanistan will also pass.

Writing as Craft
Tuesday February 27

Kevin Huizenga | The PEN Ten Interview

I like to be productive, and sometimes being productive means taking an idea you thought up in a previous story, and expanding on it, or turning it around to look at it from another angle.