Salman Rushdie

Salman Rushdie has written eleven novels, including Midnight’ s Children, winner of the Booker Prize and the Best of the Booker, The Satanic Verses, and the collection of short stories East, West. His is the author of a memoir, Joseph Anton, and two other books of nonfiction, The Jaguar Smile and Imaginary Homelands: Essays and Criticism 1981-1991.

He is the co-editor of two anthologies, Mirrorwork and Best American Short Stories 2008.

Rushdie is a former president of American PEN.

Articles by Salman Rushdie

Monday June 13

Salman Rushdie Remembers the 48th Congress of International PEN

The 48th Congress of International PEN, the global writers’ organization dedicated to spreading the word and defending its servants, was quite a show.

Tuesday May 31

The 48th Congress of International PEN

The 48th Congress of International PEN, the global writers’ organization dedicated to spreading the word and defending its servants, was quite a show. Norman Mailer, president of PEN American Center back then, used all his powers of persuasion and charm to raise the funds that brought more than fifty of the world’s leading writers to

Wednesday August 9

The Pen and the Sword

In January 1986 I came to New York for a gathering of writers that has become a literary legend. The 48th Congress of International PEN, the global writers’ organization dedicated to spreading the word and defending its servants, was quite a show. Norman Mailer was president of PEN’s American Center back then, and used all

More Articles by Salman Rushdie

Saturday December 3

Campaign for Reader Privacy Press Conference

Saturday December 3

Terrorism, Intellectual Freedom, and the Patriot Act