Magali Tercero

Magali Tercero is a cronista and a cultural journalist. She won the Fernando Benítez National Cultural Journalism Prize (FIL 2010) for Culiacán, el lugar equivocado [Culiacán, the wrong place]. She wrote Cuando llegaron los bárbaros… Vida cotidiana y narcotráfico. Cien freeways: DF y sus alrededores [A hundred freeways: DF and its surroundings], San Judas Tadeo, santería y narcotráfico [San Judas Tadeo, Santería and Narco-trafficking] and co-authored Frida Kahlo. Una mirada crítica. [Frida Kahlo. A Critical Appraisal] with Teresa del Conde. The Inter-American Press Association in Miami granted her the Prize for Journalistic Excellence in 2007 in the crónica category. She also earned the Premio Nacional de Crónica Urbana Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera, granted by the UACM in 2005. Her work has been included in Carlos Monsiváis’s anthology A ustedes les consta. Ant