May 3 | The Morgan Library & Museum | NYC
With Ian Buruma, Geert Mak, and Russell Shorto
The Dutch influence on the early American Republic was immeasurable—not only on its most celebrated city, New Amsterdam (New York), but also on the language of key documents such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. And the impression was mutual, as America came to occupy a place of fascination in 18th and 19th century Dutch and European literature as well. Join PEN for a journey across the looking-glass of the Atlantic to see how these different worlds—Holland and America; Amsterdam and New York—infused and transformed each other, with Dutch authors Ian Buruma and Geert Mak and American nonfiction writer Russell Shorto.
Cosponsored by the New York State Hudson-Fulton-Champlain Quadricentennial; commission and The Morgan Library & Museum