On the Anniversary of Liu Xiaobo’s Arrest

It was disappointing to watch Mo Yan gloss over China’s systematic censorship—censorship he has had to navigate throughout his career—during his official Nobel Prize lecture today in Stockholm. It… More

Liu Xia Speaks

Calling a new interview with poet and artist Liu Xia “the haunting, human countermelody to the noise surrounding this year’s Nobel literature prize,” PEN American Center urged the Chinese… More

Liu Xiaobo in Hong Kong

Liu Xiaobo was in Hong Kong on Saturday. He sat silent in a frame, on an empty chair, as hundreds of people bent down to him, a sign of… More

The Silent Strength of Liu Xia

In March 2010, months after Liu Xiaobo was tried and sentenced to 11 years in prison, PEN’s Director of Freedom to Write and International Programs, Larry Siems, came back… More