The Summer I Lost My Innocence

She was alive. I could see the covers move over her shoulder just a little bit. The morning light creeping through the sheer curtains at an odd angle across… More


Bademosi writes about his life as a renowned Pentecostal preacher boy and exorcist, who fails to cure his twin sister of insanity or himself of homosexuality, until he finally… More

Battles, Recollections, Etc.

And a woman who finds herself in the eye of the storm—what does she do? Forced to decide between complicity and armed opposition, between slavery and life, what does… More

Dodging Dictators

We moved the pieces back and forth on the table, but in the end gave up; it proved impossible to find a configuration that expressed the simultaneous desire to… More

Lessons in Love and Loss

Today is my birthday. Now that I've lived longer than I ever expected, and while I still have my right mind, I thought I'd better write down some things… More

Son of the District

I wasn't the gangster type, all loco to draw down on some fools, but you've got to protect your interests, and I was mainly interested in not getting peeled… More

The Chain

When the guard takes his seat, the bus begins its journey, pulling out onto a road that will quickly take it to the main highway. The internal lights go… More

Painting the Sunset

It’s said that too many cooks spoil the broth and two women under one roof is one too many. It couldn’t have been easy for my Aunt Margie to… More