Ny Nak

Ny Nak is an online commentator who owns a Facebook page with over 425k followers. In December 2020, he made a series of satirical comments on his page mocking… More

Long Puthera Thxera-Kampuchea

After the arrest of fellow rapper Kea Sokun, Long Puthera was detained in September 2020 for his song about income inequality. Found guilty of “incitement,” he was sentenced to… More

Kea Sokun

Rapper Kea Sokun wrote the popular song “Dey Khmer,” in which his lyrics discuss the politics of Cambodia’s land ownership. On September 4, 2020, he was detained for incitement.… More

Yorm Bopha

Lands rights activist Yorm Bopha was re-convicted in 2016 to three years in prison for an alleged attack on two taxi drivers in 2012, despite a lack of evidence… More

Writers at Risk Database

Kem Ley

Kem Ley, a prominent political analyst who was critical of the government, was assassinated on July 10, 2016. Police prevented the commemoration of his death in 2019 and a… More