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Secure Your Twitter and Facebook Accounts

“Free” social media platforms make money by amassing and selling your data. By tightening your privacy and security settings, you can limit how much data you’re leaking without your consent—not just to companies, but to random strangers as well. To learn how to secure your Twitter and Facebook accounts, check out the two bite-sized videos below (available on Monday July 11, 2022)—and join our hands-on workshop (on Thursday July 14, 2022 at 12pm ET).



Episode 5: Secure Your Twitter Account (Don’t leave it to fate)

Many of us spend a lot of time on Twitter and it’s not always pretty. We’ll walk you through Twitter’s key privacy settings and safety features, including the pros and cons of protecting your tweets, limiting tagging, keeping your DMs open, and turning off location tracking.

Episode 6: Secure Your Facebook Account (Oh no, people can see THAT post from high school?)

Whether you use Facebook in your professional or private life, you’ll want to be in control of what you’re sharing with the world. Together, we’ll wind our way through the labyrinth of Facebook’s privacy and security settings to ensure that nobody discovers that embarrassing post from high school or college — unless you want them to.